Making Otai
In room 10 we made an tongan drink
called Otai. The first thing we did was
to crack open a coconut and start
scraping the inside. We all took turns
scraping the inside of the coconut.
After we finished doing the coconut,
my teacher gave me three apples and told
me to peel off the skin of the apple and once
I did that I started gradeding the apples
into a bowl.
I poured some milk into the bowl
with the apple. It looked weird. My friend Sym
peeled some oranges and put it into the bowl
with the apples and the milk.
Now we all poured everything into a
big bowl. I went to get a big spoon and mixed
it all. One of the parents' helpers gave
us some pineapple and a mango drink to
put in the big bowl. It looked really
weird but i knew it was going to be really good.
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