
Tuesday 12 June 2018

Auckland land battle continues at lhumatao.

A number of South Auckland residents are currently protesting about new housing developments in their neighbourhood.
The group, known as Save Our Unique Landscape (SOUL), is protesting a 480 home Fletchers Residential development at Ihumātao.
Local mana whenua claim that these houses will be built on land deemed wāhi tapu or sacred.
Earlier in the year, the group went to the United Nations in Geneva to have their voice heard.
The land at Ihumātao borders the Ōtuataua Stonefields, which is a category 2 heritage site.
This area was made a Special Housing Area in 2014, with the National-led Government and Auckland Council over-ruling previous plans to give the land heritage protection.
Despite campaigning to help the group in 2015, the Labour government, led by current Housing Minister Phil Twyford, has not back up this view since they have been in power.

Friday 1 June 2018

Writing about playdough

Today room ten went to the staff room and made play dough. My group is  called group one. I was learning how to make play dough and this is what is was learning about, I was learning to knead the play dough and it was fun. This is how group one make's play dough, water,flower,oil too.