
Monday 19 October 2020

The Ping Pong Festival

 🎉The Ping Pong


It was the day, the ping pong Festival. I was

so excited to do it because we only do it

once a year in the whole world. I got

ready for the day straight away because

I was so excited to make the ping pong fly. I went

to check if my family were up but they were

all ready dressed for the ping pong Festival.

We all went outside our house and went into

the car. It kind of took long to go to the ping

pong Festival but we were on our own phones so

we were not bored. 

(Half an hour later) WERE HERE NOW YAY! I was

SUPER excited for the Ping Pong Festival.

Everyone got the same hair dryer but we got it from t

hese People from the Company but we all get our

own ping pong balls from home. 

The Festival started in 5 more minutes so i just

started to practice. I was kind of scared because

we have to try and balance more than 5 balls and

then try to get all of the balls and then you get

1 week of good luck. We believed in ourselves and


I was so happy that my family and I won the Ping

Pong Festival.

Thursday 15 October 2020

Making Otai

 Making Otai

In room 10 we made an tongan drink

called Otai. The first thing we did was

to crack open a coconut and start

scraping the inside. We all took turns

scraping the inside of the coconut.

After we finished doing the coconut,

my teacher gave me three apples and told

me to peel off the skin of the apple and once

I did that I started gradeding the apples

into a bowl.

I poured some milk into the bowl

with the apple. It looked weird. My friend Sym

peeled some oranges and put it into the bowl

with the apples and the milk. 

Now we all poured everything into a

big bowl. I went to get a big spoon and mixed

it all. One of the parents' helpers gave

us some pineapple and a mango drink to

put in the big bowl. It looked really

weird but i knew it was going to be really good.

The Magic Tea Bag

 The Magic Tea Bag

One day I woke up feeling bored so I went to the living

room to see if anyone was awake.`` No one is

awake`` I said, so I just went and watched tv. 

After I watched the tv I started to get even more

bored so I just went in the kitchen and got some tea

bags so I made myself some tea. I saw some matches

next to my cup of tea. 

I Remembered that I did an experiment at my old school

with some tea bags and matches. I went to get my

laptop and went on youtube to see how to do the

experiment. It looked very easy to do so I started

straight away because I was too excited to do it.

The first thing I had to do was to take the string

off of the tea bag and take the staple off too. It was really

easy to do that stuff. Then I opened my tea bag up and there were

two holes on both sides, I took the tea leaf out of

the tea bag and made the tea bag into a cylinder

Then I got my matches and lighted it.  After that I

put the fire on both sides of the tea bags 

and then . . . IT FLEW IN THE SKY!!! 

I was so happy it worked. It looked like a little

rocket ship. It looked like magic. I did it again

and again and soon there were no more tea bags.