I am a Year 7 learner at Glen Taylor School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 11 and my teacher is Miss Tupou.
Monday, 30 November 2020
Thursday, 12 November 2020
Gratitude By Aaliyah.M
The thing I am most Grateful for in life is that I have a big Family that really loves me, Food on the table and great friends. I live in New Zealand where there is lots of nature, animals and freedom. I am so grateful that my Mum is really trying her best when she goes to work and makes food. I am really happy when my Mum, Sisters and brothers are really happy.
The most important thing about my friendship is Respect and loyalty. I have realized that I am not a little kid anymore so I need to be a little more careful who I hangout with. Make sure you make good friends and treat them well.
My perfect day isn't winning Millions of dollars or my mum getting me the Iphone 11. To me, it is spending lots of time with my friends and learning new things at school. The way I would start off my day on the weekends is to have a nice and yummy breakfast with my family. Then We would have cleaned the house. Once we finished cleaning we would get dressed so we could go to Pak n save. When we get to Pak n save we go and get stuff for a movie night. I am even Grateful for my mum getting some snacks just for a movie night. Once we got home we started making the popcorn. Pop Pop! Once the popcorn was done we sat down and watched a movie it was really fun. We have Ice cream chocolate lollipops and lots more
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Monday, 19 October 2020
The Ping Pong Festival
🎉The Ping Pong
It was the day, the ping pong Festival. I was
so excited to do it because we only do it
once a year in the whole world. I got
ready for the day straight away because
I was so excited to make the ping pong fly. I went
to check if my family were up but they were
all ready dressed for the ping pong Festival.
We all went outside our house and went into
the car. It kind of took long to go to the ping
pong Festival but we were on our own phones so
we were not bored.
(Half an hour later) WERE HERE NOW YAY! I was
SUPER excited for the Ping Pong Festival.
Everyone got the same hair dryer but we got it from t
hese People from the Company but we all get our
own ping pong balls from home.
The Festival started in 5 more minutes so i just
started to practice. I was kind of scared because
we have to try and balance more than 5 balls and
then try to get all of the balls and then you get
1 week of good luck. We believed in ourselves and
I was so happy that my family and I won the Ping
Pong Festival.
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Making Otai
Making Otai
In room 10 we made an tongan drink
called Otai. The first thing we did was
to crack open a coconut and start
scraping the inside. We all took turns
scraping the inside of the coconut.
After we finished doing the coconut,
my teacher gave me three apples and told
me to peel off the skin of the apple and once
I did that I started gradeding the apples
into a bowl.
I poured some milk into the bowl
with the apple. It looked weird. My friend Sym
peeled some oranges and put it into the bowl
with the apples and the milk.
Now we all poured everything into a
big bowl. I went to get a big spoon and mixed
it all. One of the parents' helpers gave
us some pineapple and a mango drink to
put in the big bowl. It looked really
weird but i knew it was going to be really good.
The Magic Tea Bag
The Magic Tea Bag
One day I woke up feeling bored so I went to the living
room to see if anyone was awake.`` No one is
awake`` I said, so I just went and watched tv.
After I watched the tv I started to get even more
bored so I just went in the kitchen and got some tea
bags so I made myself some tea. I saw some matches
next to my cup of tea.
I Remembered that I did an experiment at my old school
with some tea bags and matches. I went to get my
laptop and went on youtube to see how to do the
experiment. It looked very easy to do so I started
straight away because I was too excited to do it.
The first thing I had to do was to take the string
off of the tea bag and take the staple off too. It was really
easy to do that stuff. Then I opened my tea bag up and there were
two holes on both sides, I took the tea leaf out of
the tea bag and made the tea bag into a cylinder
Then I got my matches and lighted it. After that I
put the fire on both sides of the tea bags
and then . . . IT FLEW IN THE SKY!!!
I was so happy it worked. It looked like a little
rocket ship. It looked like magic. I did it again
and again and soon there were no more tea bags.
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
Monday, 31 August 2020
Making Choco Mouses
Monday, 17 August 2020
My Weekend
My Weekend
On my weekend me,my brother and Sister Evelyn and Oscar
went for a walk on Saturday. It was kind of boring. We walked
past a park and there were lots of people there so my brother
Oscar ran to the park. “Oscar came back” I said. He didn’t
listen so we just went and played in the park with him. At
the park there was a big swing, a slide and a seesaw. The
park was really big.
2 Minutes later. My sister was really tired so she went back home.
She said we can still stay here because the park was near our
house so we said “ ok thanks” And she left. My brother Oscar
was starting to get scared because there was no one there and it
was really quiet so I just put loud music on from my phone. But then
the song turned off because my phone died so we just went home.
Once we were walking home my brother was starting to run
home and then he fell. He was starting to cry. (About 2 or 4 minutes later)
Once we went home I saw lots of blood on his leg so I went to go
and get some plaster and put it on his legs.
He wanted to go to the park again and we said no. (About 10 or 15 minutes later)
I fell asleep😴. ( About 2 hours later ) Yaaaay dinner time. My mum
bought some pizza and made some hot chips for dinner.
And that was my day
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
The Magic Moon
Monday, 29 June 2020
Being Creative
Room 10 has been really creative from the past 3 weeks. We have been on this app called Tinkercad. It is really cool because you can make really creative things, and we have even done lots of art in class too. The things I really like that I have made is my bunny, my name tag and my penguin. The thing I really like about being creative is that its really fun and in you speertime you can make an masterpiece.
Making Kites
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Cybersmart Sharing
Cybersmart Sharing: What is your criteria for smart sharing on line?
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
24 Hours Digital Footprint Map
The most popular site I have been going on was Study Ladder.
The lest popular site I have been on is IXL, Gmail and Colour Switch.
I have made 10 digitalFootprints.
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
The Animal In Side Of Me
Monday, 6 April 2020
Wednesday, 1 April 2020
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
Monday, 23 March 2020
My Day off school
I am really having a great day so far but I know I will have to do school work every day😕😕😕😕😕😕
Thursday, 19 March 2020
Be Careful Of The Covid 19

Hello my blog I really just want to say that you will need to be careful of the coronaviurs. Now at Nz There are 28 people are in the corona war. I just want to say that it might get even wores and it might be going on for 2 years. GET READY FOR A WAR OF COVID - 19!!!!!! PLZ BE CAREFUL.