Rhinoceroses are large, herbivorous mammals identified by their characteristic horned snouts. The word "rhinoceros" comes from the Greek "rhino" (nose) and "ceros" (horn). There are five species and 11 subspecies of rhino; some have two horns, while others have one.
Because the animals' horns are used in folk medicine for their supposed healing properties, rhinos have been hunted nearly to extinction. Their horns are sometimes sold as trophies or decorations, but more often they are ground up and used in traditional Chinese medicine. The powder is often added to food or brewed in a tea in the belief that the horns are a powerful aphrodisiac, a hangover cure and treatment for fever, rheumatism, gout and other disorders, according to the International Rhino Foundation.
what I learnt with Ocean and room ten about healthy choice with food on the countdown's new paper. Me , Ocean and room 10 got healthy food because at Glen Taylor school all of us were learning to eat healthy food and room 10 made healthy choice poster but with healthy food from the count down new paper. We had to total it, me and Ocean's total was 31.00
On Tuesday after morning tea room 8 ,9 and 10 went to the hall to learn to not hurt the animal in the sea. The class went to sit down and had to listen the people that are going to talk to us and me and the class about the sea. After that went to play a game in the hall and the game was so fun playing the game with room 9 amd room 8. How to play the game is when the class are little carb´s we had to think what we had to do. There was fight , hide under and rock , eat and going sleep too to play the game and to have fun. The people from Kelly Tarlton were so fun to learn with and to play with too. The people said that we were going to be in two group´s and go to the people to have fun and to learn all about sea animal. after that room 10 went back to class and then the bell ring and then I went outside to play with my friends.
Wednesday afternoon me and my mum went to my school Glen Taylor and had student led conferenes and I was a little shy. When I was a little shy I was reading it to my mum. When I was reading to my mum I was reading about reading , writing ,maths and share , create and learn and it was very fun reading to my mum and then Me and my mum went home.
In the race there were boys on bikes and having fun. The two boys with the blue bike were winning and the black and gray bikes were going to be lost in the race. The two people who wins the race, They win a big chocolate bar.
The yellow one pushed the blue one and made him hurt him and made him broke. Just when two of the blue people won a big worm come out of the ground and the worm said, I am going to eat you all little people, Said the worm. The yellow one said no you are not you are not going to eat me and my friends, Said the two yellow people. All of them said it is raining, said all of them. Then they all went back to the beginning of the race and then they all said we all win the race today.
On the holidays I will be going to holiday programme Because my mum works on those days. Holiday programme is at Glen Taylor school hall. I think they made holiday programme because it is for the kid mum or dads that go to work and when they live far far away. The people that made holiday programme/Skids was Aj and Dele. skids make slime and we can go to rain bows end.
Once a upon a time there was a little boy named Jack who looks so cute, but he looks very scared.The little boy was so scared because was not going to . The little boy was going on the sea because he said to his mum can I go swimming with you mum. She said The little boy was going to the sea and it was not saff because he was all by hisself. He was going to go to his papa’s house. When he got in to the sea with his umbrella he was feeling very scared because he was with nobody and he saw scary things like a shark and the biggest fish with scary teeth. He went back home with his papa and he was very happy when his papa was here with him.
A Southland community, Omaui, is proposing a ban on all new domestic cats, in the hope of protecting other wildlife in the area.
Biosecurity operations manager Ali Meade said the positive impact on the environment would be huge. Meade said trail cameras record cats and the damage they’re doing to the native flora and fauna.
There would be number of rules and regulations in place to monitor cat ownership in the area. Domestic cats will need to be microchipped and neutered. And once a cat dies, it will not be able to be replaced.
NASA has successfully launched its mission to send a satellite closer to the Sun than any before.
The Parker Solar Probe rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral, on Sunday evening.
The probe is set to become the fastest-moving manmade object in history.
Its goal is to provide data about the Sun’s behaviour.
It is the first spacecraft to be named after a living person – astrophysicist Eugene Parker, 91, who first described solar wind in 1958.
What will the probe do? The probe aims to dip directly into our star’s outer atmosphere, or corona.
It will zip past Venus in six weeks and make the first rendezvous with the Sun a further six weeks after that.
Over the course of seven years, Parker will make 24 loops around our star to study the physics of the corona, the place where much of the important activity that affects the Earth seems to originate.
The probe will dip inside this tenuous atmosphere, sampling conditions, and getting to just 6.16 million km from the Sun’s broiling “surface”.
It will also be the fastest human-made object ever, travelling around the Sun at speeds of up to 690,000km/hr. That is the same as traveling from Tokyo to New York in one minute.
Tauranga’s Patrick Lam, is officially the king of New Zealand pies.
Last week he won has won his sixth Bakels New Zealand Supreme Pie Award with a roast pork and creamy mushroom pie.
He has won the award more than any other competitor nationwide in the competition’s 22-year history.
He won the supreme award again in 2004 and 2009, with his creamy bacon, mushroom and cheese pie. In 2010 and 2016, his bacon and egg pie took out the top award.
As well as winning the supreme award, Lam’s roast pork and creamy mushroom pie also won the gourmet meat category.
Lam received a cheque for $7500 and a trophy, plus $1000 for each of the three gold awards he won in the bacon and egg, gourmet meat, and chicken and vegetable sections.
The competition featured 5491 other pies from around New Zealand
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will officially return from maternity leave early tomorrow (Thursday).
In fact, she will officially be Prime Minster again at midnight tonight, when Acting Prime Minister Winston Peters leaves the country.
However, she will not return to Wellington until next week. She will travel to Wellington on Saturday with her partner and baby and set up her family in the Prime Minister’s residence at Premier House.
Her Thursday return will come exactly six weeks after giving birth to her daughter Neve Te Aroha Ardern Gayford in June.
Yesterday room ten and room nine went to the hall to learn kids safe with dogs and it was fun with room nine. When room ten and room nine went into the hall and sat down before we came in. When I sat down I got ready to listen to Nick and Michael about dog safety. I was very nervous when I saw the dogs because they look big and I thought the dogs will bight me and my friend too. After I thought The dog was going to bight me and my friends. I was standing like a tree because if a dog come's to me and I was not like a tree I might get bitten from the dog and it's good too.
A number of South Auckland residents are currently protesting about new housing developments in their neighbourhood.
The group, known as Save Our Unique Landscape (SOUL), is protesting a 480 home Fletchers Residential development at Ihumātao.
Local mana whenua claim that these houses will be built on land deemed wāhi tapu or sacred.
Earlier in the year, the group went to the United Nations in Geneva to have their voice heard.
The land at Ihumātao borders the Ōtuataua Stonefields, which is a category 2 heritage site.
This area was made a Special Housing Area in 2014, with the National-led Government and Auckland Council over-ruling previous plans to give the land heritage protection.
Despite campaigning to help the group in 2015, the Labour government, led by current Housing Minister Phil Twyford, has not back up this view since they have been in power.
Today room ten went to the staff room and made play dough. My group is called group one. I was learning how to make play dough and this is what is was learning about, I was learning to knead the play dough and it was fun. This is how group one make's play dough, water,flower,oil too.